13 January 2009

Puppy Love…

Few days ago my little sister suddenly decided to take a jog in FRIM.. as fate would have it..she noticed something moving in a drain as she drove past.. at first she just past it off as nothing but then she thought it looked like an animal.. so she forced jeremiah to make a quick u-turn.. there it was..a cute little angel.. a poor puppy was in the drain alone, so she decided to bring it home.. we have 2 cats already mind you.. poor thing looked so scared and helpless, very quiet the whole day..

Then what looked like an angel, turn out to be the devil in disguise..Here he is..presenting, Snoop Dogg!!


Damn cute right.. how not to love something sooooo cute!!.. juz a little info, i like all animals.. well except for rabbits(they taste gud stewed though), oh and hamsters..i dun like dumb animals that don’t come when you call..back to the subject, here are a few more shots of the cute little monkey..


about to sleep in the garden


with his bone on the couch

but he pees all over the house and bites everything he comes into contact with..ask you la, where got dogs that pee like 2 minutes after they drink water.. come back from work, i spend the rest of the day cleaning up his pee and poo..but he’s too cute.. so its ok for now..hehe..

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